Psychology1.1 Brain-Behaviour Relationships
Sulci -- the furrows or grooves Gyri -- the folds between them |
Forebrain Telencephalon Diencephalon |
Midbrain Mesencephalon |
Hindbrain Metencephalon Myelencephalon |
The three functional units
- a unit for regulating tone; located in the brainstem
- a unit for obtaining, processing and storing information; located in the
retro-rolandic cortex
Each of these is hierarchical in structure.
Each is composed of at least three cortical zones, built one on top of the
The cortical zones
- Primary projection areas; receive or send impulses to the periphery
- Secondary projection / association areas; incoming information is decoded and
programs are prepared
- Tertiary areas; zones of overlapping; evaluation and programming
Luria's laws
- Law of hierarchical structure of the cortical zones
- Law of diminishing specificity of the hierarchically arranged cortical zones
- Law of progressive lateralization of function
- case
- HM, Phineas Gage
- lesion production - temporal lobectomy
- brain stimulation
- brain recording - EEG
- imaging
- neuropsychological assessment
- clinical - fixed
or flexible battery
- cognitive - specialised instruments
Limbus is Latin and means edge / hem / border; the limbic system is the
border of the brainstem. It is the only region of the cortex with direct
connection to the hypothalamus. It is thought to active in emotion, memory and
aggression. The limbic system consists of
1. the hippocampus
2. anterior and dorso-medial nucleus of the thalamus
3. cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus
4. amygdala
5. septal ares
6. mammillary bodies
7. ? rest of the hypothalamus
We say that there are three stages of memory: encoding -- storage -- retrieval
- severe traumatic brain injury
- chronic alcohol abuse
- stroke
- epilepsy / temporal lobectomy
- degenerative disorders (DAT)
- anoxia (MCI, CO, drowning)
- schizophrenia